With All the Company of Heaven
Of all that we Christians do, perhaps nothing is more important than gathering for worship. Worship is what humans were made for.
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Of all that we Christians do, perhaps nothing is more important than gathering for worship. Worship is what humans were made for.
Bishop Paul Donison hosts an online service of evening prayer with an inspiring story from the life of a Christian saint, followed by a pastoral reflection. Follow along with our PDF guide.
Who are we as God's people? Moses's final words to the people of Israel help the Church today grasp what it means to belong to God.
Christians bear the world's unwelcome, for those who follow Jesus are called strangers and exiles, oddballs and outcasts. Yet, the Apostle Peter encourages us to embrace this call.
Dr. Erika Moore leads our study of Ezekiel. Though the cultural landscape of today differs from ancient Babylon, the challenges of faith remain: the people of God still live as exiles in a foreign land.
The Ten Commandments in an Age of Moral Confusion: recordings from our day seminar with Dr. Carmen Joy Imes and Dr. Peter Leithart
Explore the Christian faith, walking line-by-line through one of our most celebrated Anglican prayers, "The General Thanksgiving."
Read, discuss, and apply Foster’s insights as we attune ourselves to the Holy Spirit by means of the disciplines.
Examine some of the greatest and most beloved of Christ's parables and discover, once again, their simple but profound lessons.
We live in a busy and accomplishment-driven culture that often leaves us feeling both exhausted and guilty at not having accomplished more. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Genesis tells grand stories that give us fundamental insights into the mysteries and conflicts of human existence.
Bishop Paul and our clergy teachers host a series of seminars on important topics of Christian faith and life.