2025 Rwanda Pilgrimage - Apply Now

Apply no later than August 31 and come on pilgrimage with us to Rwanda in 2025 (January 23-February 1).

Welcome from Bishop Paul

What a joy it is to invite you on a pilgrimage to Rwanda, January 23 - February 1, 2025.

For years, Christ Church has developed a beautiful and exceedingly fruitful mission partnership with the Anglican Church of Rwanda, and recently, we expanded that partnership into a new phase: pilgrimages, where our parishioners can experience the faith and life of the Rwandan church. We have funded the building of preschools and churches, sponsored pastors to be trained at East African Christian College, and built deep friendships with Archbishop Mbanda, his wife Chantal, and so many of his local leaders.

Now it is time for y’all to come and see, as pilgrims.

We use the “pilgrim” language very intentionally, as it clarifies our purpose and expectations. Many are familiar with the important work of what we call mission trips, where the focus is on travelers building something or offering a particular service in the mission field. A pilgrimage has a different focus. We will experience the Rwandan church on mission, build relationships with Rwandan Anglicans, celebrate with them the projects we have funded, come alongside these leaders as learners, and all the while encounter the Lord in each particular place.

To set expectations clearly, we will not build anything while on pilgrimage. The “work” of the pilgrim is to prayerfully ask the Lord to show us his work and presence in Rwanda.

Let me share just a few highlights of our journey:

  • We will visit several preschools and churches Christ Church has funded, and meet the children, teachers, clergy, and parishioners.
  • We will worship at Rwandan churches in both English and Kinyarwanda.
  • We will visit the Genocide Memorial.
  • We will build relationships with local leaders, shop at local markets, and even take you on a short safari.

I will personally lead the pilgrimage, leading daily devotions. I can't wait to introduce you to a country and a people that I deeply love. Surely, this will be a life-transforming adventure.

We recognize that many will want to go, and space is limited for a trip like this. So, I am committed to offering this pilgrimage yearly. If you apply but are not invited for this upcoming trip, you will be considered for future pilgrimages. You will find details about application deadlines, pre-trip meetings, funding, medical requirements, and travel planning in the application. If you have any questions, please contact Canon John Battey, at johnb@christchurchplano.org

For those who feel called to apply, know that I am already praying for you, that the Lord will prepare you for what he will reveal to you in the land of a thousand hills.


Trip Details

Departs from Dallas on Thursday, January 23, 2025. Travel overnight and arrive in Kigali, Rwanda in the evening of January 24.

Activities in Rwanda from January 24 to January 31. The team participates together in daily activities, unless medically unable, and stays each night in a hotel.

  • Married team members may stay in the same room.
  • Others will share a room with another team member of the same gender.

Depart from Rwanda on Friday, January 31, 2025. Travel overnight and arrive back in Dallas on February 1.

Financial Requirements

Cost. Your travel costs + $2,200 tax-deductible contribution

1. You must pay your own travel costs. This includes airfare, travel to/from Dallas airports, travel insurance (if desired), immunizations, passport fees, $50 visa fee when you arrive in Rwanda, and all personal gifts and souvenirs.

2. You must contribute $2,200 to the Christ Church Rwanda Pilgrimage Fund. This fund covers all team-related in-country costs, including our hotels, transportation, meals, medical and security services through Faith Ventures, and entry into the Genocide Memorial and Akagera National Park.

  • You are welcome to solicit donations from external supporters to help with this cost.
  • All donations to the Christ Church Rwanda Pilgrimage Fund are tax-deductible.

3. Additional fees may be assessed if we are able to visit a Compassion program in Rwanda. More information will be available after team selection.


Deadline. Interested participants must apply no later than August 31.

Age. You must be at least 21 years of age by date of departure.

Travel Requirements. You must have a passport valid for at least 6 months after the return date of the trip. You must be immunized for international travel. (It is up to each traveler to decide what immunizations they will receive. Please note that some immunizations need to be received several months in advance of the trip.)

Physical Requirements. You must get a medical release before participating in the trip, indicating that you can…

  1. walk unaided at least one mile over uneven and steep terrain,
  2. sit for 4-5 hours at a time,
  3. manage your own luggage, including lifting luggage into an overhead compartment on the plane.

You will also sign a liability form releasing Christ Church Plano from responsibility in case of illness or accident or other untoward event while traveling.

Emotional Requirements. You may encounter emotionally difficult situations and themes, such as poverty and genocide. You should be emotionally strong enough to manage these conditions.

Dietary Requirements. Dietary restrictions will not be accommodated in Africa. Anyone who cannot participate in normal unrestricted meals should not apply.

Timeline of Selection and Preparation

Notification. The leadership of Christ Church will review all applications. Selected participants will be notified by the end of September. We anticipate that more people will be interested in attending than spots are available; therefore, some applicants will not be chosen for this trip but will be considered for future trips.

Pre-trip Meetings. Christ Church will host 4 or 5 pre-trip meetings between October and January. Team members must attend all pre-trip meetings or make an effort to obtain information covered in the event they cannot attend.

Reading and Worship. Preparation will also include reading at least two books on mission and watching one or more movies.

Apply Now

Applications are now closed.

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Christ Church Plano
4550 Legacy Drive
Plano, TX 75024

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