Shadowlands: Grief Recovery
Register for this grief recovery group, Tuesdays online and Wednesdays on campus, beginning January 21/22.
Shadowlands is a six-week class that provides a Christian perspective on the journey from loss to a restored sense of peace and joy.
In the context of a safe, confidential small group, you will learn about God’s model of grieving, coping skills for difficult emotions, and insights into the effect of a loss on all areas of life. Loss is experienced in many forms: the end of a relationship, the loss of a job, a life-changing illness, accident, or death, to name a few. If you are experiencing grief in any form, you are welcome to join our fellowship.
What is Grief?
- The conflict between what we want and the reality of what we have.
- The desire to change yesterday when that is not possible.
What is Recovery?
- Learning to live a “new normal.”
- A choice you make.
- It takes time and effort and does not come with a “how to” book.
“The personal experiences of the leaders truly added to the understanding and value of the content.”
“All the various stages, experiences, feelings that one can go through are normal.”
“A systematic exploration of the grief process.”