The Mercy of Fruitfulness

Series: Sermons on Podcast




October 22, 2023 | The Rt. Rev. Paul Donison

Passage: John 15:1-17

    We all yearn for lives of purpose and fruitfulness, for we are called to shape the world by our love for God and neighbor. Yet it is in our failures that the Lord meets us in mercy as the True Vine. He invites us to dwell with him and to live as he lives, while requiring us to surrender our lives to his work and will as Lord. In this True Vine, we find the promise of fruitfulness.

    Series Information

    Listen to recent sermons from our sanctuary worship services, and subscribe on your favorite podcast provider.

    More in the Series

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    Who Is Your King?

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    The Beautiful Shepherd

    We have a Good Shepherd, and yet we Christians often live as if we were on our own...

    Salt and Light Eternal

    On the Feast of All Saints, we commemorate saints past and commission saints today...

    Fruitful Lives

    Bishop Andy Lines joins us from the Anglican Network in Europe, receives prayer for...

    What Else?

    Often success and satisfaction feel just out of reach. And yet, as Canon Jonathan...

    Longing for Home

    In this life, we are always searching for someone or something. The Rt. Rev. Alan...

    Take Heart

    Sometimes Jesus feels absent when we need him and acts in ways that don't make sense...

    Our Good Shepherd

    We were made to depend on God. Fr. Travis reminds us how we are like sheep in constant...

    Look to Jesus

    Are you weary of running the race or dread the next turn? There is good news! Our...

    Boasting in Weakness

    Canon Jonathan reveals how alike we are to ancient Corinth, taken with ideals of...

    Made to Serve

    God has put in each of us a heart for service, yet we often grasp after status and...

    Christ in the Storm

    Would that we could sleep like Jesus, at rest amid the storms that threaten to...

    Celebrating Our Fathers

    Retired Bishop Kevin Allen, friend of Bishop Paul Donison from the Pacific Northwest...

    Sought By God

    Matthew knows what it is to be lost, and so in his gospel he tells the story of how...

    Bold to Proclaim

    Archbishop Laurent Mbanda visits Christ Church with greetings from the church of...

    Hope Right Here

    Bishop Paul reflects on Memorial Day weekend how fleeting hope feels in a troublesome...

    The Promise of Pentecost

    An ancient festival and birthday of the Church, Pentecost also contains a promise: the...

    Joy For All

    Joy is among the rarest things in the world, yet in the ascension of Jesus, all may...

    Fearless Generosity

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    The Gift of Frailty

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    The Road to Restoration

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    The Wondrous Story

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    Peace Be With You

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    "...And Peter"

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    Sovereign Love

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    Lead Us into Gratitude

    Why does God respond to the grumbling of Israel with such fierce judgment? Complaining...

    Hope in Gethsemane

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    His Commitment to Us

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    Our Mighty Fortress

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    A Glimpse of His Glory

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    Get Back Behind Me

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    Found by Jesus

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