How We Worship

Word & Sacrament

Worship at Christ Church uses the Book of Common Prayer 2019 with a blend of historical hymns and contemporary praise songs: an invitation for Christians of many backgrounds to join together in the Anglican Tradition.

Sacramental Life

  • Baptism is the outward sign of belief in Jesus.
  • It represents our union with Jesus in his death, burial, and resurrection.
  • Baptism signifies our birth into God’s family, forgiveness of sins and our new life in the Holy Spirit that comes through faith in Jesus Christ.

About Baptism. In the early days of the church, Baptism most often occurred after a person’s conversion. As the church grew, Christian parents started to include their children in this sacrament. Similar to the Jewish rite of circumcision, a child’s Baptism is their entry point into the church, the community of the new covenant. Like all sacraments in the church, Baptism is necessary but not sufficient to our salvation by Christ. Families seeking Baptism must commit themselves to make Jesus Christ the head of their household and to train up their children in the Christian faith. Through Baptism, these families have a special relationship (called the New Covenant) with God in which they want their children to share. The Lord Jesus has given Baptism as the outward sign of this relationship.

Baptism Preparation. Membership is required for all parents seeking Holy Baptism for their children. Our membership class explains and discusses the meaning, history, and ceremony of the baptismal service, as well as the role and responsibilities of those who sponsor a child for Baptism. We set aside certain specific days for Baptisms throughout the year. 

Make Baptism Arrangements


  • Communion is the central part of the act of worship at Christ Church.
  • It was instituted by Christ as a memorial for his passion, death, and resurrection.
  • Celebrating Communion renews and strengthens our union with Christ and our fellow Christians by making us members of the body of Christ.

About Communion. For Anglicans, Holy Communion, also known as Holy Eucharist and the Lord’s Supper, is as central to our worship as the music or the sermon. We do this in obedience to the Bible's portrayal of the early church's practices. In Acts we see the disciples devoting themselves to "the apostles' teaching, the fellowship, the prayers, and the breaking of the bread," which is Luke's way of saying Communion, and they did so every time they gathered.

At Christ Church Plano, communion is open to baptized Christians from any denomination. Those wishing to receive Communion should go forward at the usher’s signal to receive. Those choosing not to receive communion may remain in their seats or may come forward as invited by the ushers for a blessing by kneeling and crossing their arms across their chests.

Christ Church prepares children for their first Communion in second grade, after which children join their families in the sanctuary to participate in Holy Communion every Sunday.


As its name suggests, Confirmation is an opportunity for Christians to confirm the promises made at Baptism. In this two thousand-year-old sacramental rite, individuals age 12 and up make a mature, public affirmation of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and they receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop.

Confirmation marks a person's membership in the Anglican Communion. Candidates for Confirmation and Reception are asked to become members of Christ Church before receiving this sacramental rite.

Make Confirmation Arrangements


In Christian marriage, a man and a woman enter into a life-long union, making their vows before God and the Church to live their lives with Jesus Christ as the foundation of their marriage. The Book of Common Prayer states: "Marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, deliberately, and in accordance with the purposes for which it was instituted by God." Those who desire to be married at Christ Church must be members of our parish and undergo special preparation. We seek to help couples plan and prepare not only for their wedding ceremony, but also for their entire married life. All couples who desire to be married in this parish are asked to complete a specific course of preparation which includes several sessions with a member of the clergy.

Make Marriage Arrangements


A Christian funeral is an Easter celebration that reflects the Church’s hope grounded in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We gather, knowing that, as Christians, we too will be raised from the dead with all who have gone before us.

Because we focus on death as part of the continuing cycle of life, the service of Burial of the Dead is a liturgy of the Anglican church characterized by joy and offered to God. This worship is offered on behalf of the faithful departed and for the benefit of us who are still on our earthly pilgrimage.

Make Funeral Arrangements


While every Christian shares in the ministry of the priesthood of all believers, some are called by God to be ordained as Deacons, Priests, and Bishops. Ordination authorizes individuals to exercise pastoral oversight within the church, to preach, and to administer the sacraments.

Confession & Anointing of the Sick

About Confession Jesus entrusted his apostles with the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:11-21) and gave them authority to forgive sins (John 20:23). In continuation of this apostolic ministry, we receive Christ’s forgiveness through the absolution by a priest. Confession and absolution happens publicly and corporately every Sunday before Holy Communion. Parishioners are also welcome to confess and receive absolution privately by appointment. These are not different sacraments but two different contexts for the same sacrament. Private confession is especially suitable during Lent.

To schedule confession, please email the clergy at

Anointing of the Sick Healing was an essential aspect of Jesus’ earthly ministry. The apostles continued this healing ministry through the laying on of hands and anointing of sick (James 5:14). Christ Church frequently visits the sick to administer Holy Communion and anointing for healing.

If you are in the hospital, please contact us and let us know.

We invite ordinary people to know Jesus Christ and become like Him for the sake of the world.

We joyfully invite you to explore Christ Church and find here a community that marries the best of the Church’s ancient practices with culturally-engaged, biblically-orthodox preaching and teaching.

Sanctuary Services

Sundays, 9 & 11 a.m.
Livestream Sundays, 11 a.m.

Chapel Services

Sundays, 7:15 a.m.
Tuesdays, 9 a.m.

Ministry Offices

Monday - Thursday
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Office: 972-618-0222

Prayer: 972-491-7729


Christ Church Plano
4550 Legacy Drive
Plano, TX 75024

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