Romans is a book of profound theology, rigorous logic, and sophisticated...
Paul tells us to "welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you," and in these...
In modern America, we are well acquainted with the language of rights. Claims and...
How ought we to live together in light of the gospel of Christ? In this session, we...
Many have written extensively on the subject of giving and receiving gifts and the...
Paul, in Romans 11, concludes his dense, scripturally rich meditation on the people of...
At first, the gospel of Jesus Christ may seem like a radical departure from Israel's...
Paul's discussion of God's sovereign election of his people in Romans 9 has generated...
In Romans 8, Paul describes the new life which those who have died and been raised...
New Testament scholar Dale Bruner calls Romans 7 the single most difficult chapter to...
"You're gonna have to serve somebody," Bob Dylan sang in 1979, and the apostle Paul...
In Romans 5, Paul talks about the effects of Christian justification--about the peace...
Justification by faith is the "hinge upon which religion turns," the doctrine upon...
As we arrive in Romans 3, the central dilemma animating Paul's gospel is clear. On the...
We live during a divided time, and it is instinctual for many of us to divide our...
We can't hear the good news of the gospel until we first know the bad news. The...
Romans is likely the clearest, most comprehensive summary of the gospel and of its...