Father Paul tells the story of a seventeenth-century minister who became one of the...
Father Paul tells the story of the first indigenous Anglican bishop in India who also...
Father Paul invites you to worship at Christ Church Plano's 2021 Christmas services...
Father Paul tells the story of a woman called by God to revision the entire vocation...
Father Paul tells the story of the man who we know as the author of "O Little Town of...
Father Paul tells the story of a woman who became mother to thousands of abandoned...
Father Paul tells the story of a fourth century young martyr whose courage inspired...
Father Paul tells the story of a man who matched his immense education with even...
Father Paul tells the true story of a bishop who inspired our Santa Claus legends.
Fr. Paul tells the story of a man who devoted his life to preaching the gospel in...
Fr. Paul tells the story of a man whose conversion and writings have impacted the...
Fr. Paul tells the story of a modern saint who was one of the first leaders in the...
Fr. Paul tells the story of a first century saint, whose writings were so inspired by...
Fr. Paul tells the story of a young woman who was both royal and yet deeply humble in...
Fr. Paul tells the story of an eleventh century Scottish queen who built monasteries...
Fr. Paul tells the story of a modern Archbishop of Canterbury who left a lasting...
Fr. Paul tells the story of a pioneer in seminary education for African Americans, a...
Father Paul tells the story of an English priest and theologian, whose controversial...
Father Paul tells the story of a missionary who left England to pave the way of...
Father Paul tells the story of the Anglo-Saxons king who, after regaining control of...
Father Paul tells the story of a French priest who resisted the Nazi occupation in...
Father Paul tells the story of two church leaders who were tried for heresy and...
Father Paul tells the story of a Spanish noblewoman whose zeal for the Lord led her to...
Father Paul tells the story of an Irish poet who used her lyrical writing to aid in...
Father Paul tells the story of a prodigious linguist who used his skills to translate...
Father Paul tells the story of an Italian man who renounced military glory and devoted...
Father Paul tells the story of a man from England who, after being appointed chaplain...
Father Paul tells the story of an ambitious man from London who, in the midst of...
Father Paul tells the story of a bishop of Winchester whose leadership in the...
Father Paul tells the story of a priest from Moscow whose monastic isolation led many...
Father Paul tells the story of a bishop who escaped imprisonment and death during the...
Father Paul tells the story of a man from Philadelphia who, following the...
Father Paul tells the story of an abolitionist from New York who, after facing...
Father Paul tells the story of a woman from England who used her skills in writing to...
Father Paul tells the story of a woman who lived her life dedicated to ministry...
Father Paul tells the story of the missionaries who sacrificed their lives for the...
Father Paul tells the story of an ordinary saint who became one of the greatest...
Father Paul tells the story of a martyr from New Hampshire who, with a passion for...
Father Paul tells the story of an influential leader from France who devoted his life...
Father Paul tells the story of an Italian woman who, after hearing Saint Francis...
Father Paul tells the story of a priest and theologian whose poetic voice helped...
Father Paul tells the story of a woman who dedicated her life to uniting and...
Father Paul tells the story of a priest who set himself to the task of defending...
Father Paul tells the story of an Anglican priest, theologian, author, professor, and...
Father Paul tells the story of an English parliamentarian who was called by God to...
Father Paul tells the story of a rector and reformer from Massachusetts who led the...
Father Paul tells the story of a German priest who spent 65 years in a monastic...
Father Paul tells the story of a brilliant Turkish woman who, with a heart fixed on...
Father Paul tells the story of an Italian theologian and bishop who followed in the...
Father Paul tells the story of a Swedish archbishop who committed his life's work to...
Father Paul tells the story of a fifth and sixth century abbot whose discipline...
Father Paul tells the story of a nineteenth-century African-American woman whose faith...
Father Paul tells the story of a Canadian evangelist whose revivals reached hundreds...
Father Paul tells the story of the two pillars of the church who found unity despite...
Father Paul tells the story of a bishop and teacher of the fifth century who...
Father Paul tells the story of the first martyr of Britain, a former Roman soldier who...
Father Paul tells the story of a nineteenth century African martyr, a lay minister who...
Father Paul tells the story of a wealthy man who forsook a life of quiet contemplation...
Father Paul tells the story of a twentieth century woman who, through her actions and...
Father Paul tells the story of the remarkable bishop of Lincoln.
Father Paul tells the story of a missionary to the Scots.
Father Paul tells the story of the martyrs of Uganda.
Father Paul tells the story of a man God used to start the longest running revival in...
Father Paul tells the story of the first missionary Anglican bishop in America.
Father Paul tells the story of the youngest person to be titled Doctor of the Church...
Father Paul tells the story of one of the most influential pastors and martyrs of the...
Father Paul tells the story of a man devoted to the monastic way of life but was...
Father Paul tells the story of early missionaries to Burma, who faced incredible...
Father Paul tells the story of a cloistered woman whose visions, writings, and...
Father Paul tells the story of a man who stood faithfully, and often alone, against...
Father Paul tells the story of a woman who wrote over nine thousand hymns, but...
Father Paul tells the story of a great fourth century teacher of the faith.
Father Paul tells the story of a man who, according to legend, slew a dragon and died...
Father Paul tells the story of a man referred to as the most luminous and penetrating...
Father Paul tells the story of a man considered to be the father of American Anglicanism.
Father Paul tells the story of a man whose preaching, life, and martyrdom nurtured and...
Father Paul tells the story of a poet and a preacher with a licentious past whose...
Father Paul tells the story of a woman whose courage and forgiveness will warm your...
Father Paul tells the story of the man who helped lead the English Reformation, who...
Father Paul tells the story of a man called to serve actively in God's church and in...
Father Paul tells the story of a man who escaped slavery, only to return to his...
Father Paul tells the story of a missionary couple to Ecuador and the martyr's path...
Father Paul tells the story of Shi Meiyu, more commonly known as Mary Stone, a Chinese...
Father Paul tells the story of a new convert in the early church who suffered her...
Father Paul tells the story of two brothers who set the eighteenth century afire with...
Father Paul tells the story of an African American woman who overcame adversary to...
Father Paul tells the story of one of the most famous early Christian martyrs.
Father Paul tells the story of a German monk whose rediscovery of the pure gift of...
Father Paul tells the story of a man who established not one, but two Anglican mission...
Father Paul tells the story of the first African American priest in the Anglican...
Father Paul tells the story of a woman who was the founding abbess of Benedictine...
Father Paul tells the story of one of the great early Chinese evangelists.